Low-level API

In case the SDK does not yet support a functionality of the DSW API that you would like to use, you can use the low-level interface. Basically it only provides a way to communicate with the DSW API, so you don’t have to implement your own HTTP client.

Configuration described in the Configuration section still applies.

The interface is available via api attribute defined on the DataStewardshipWizardSDK class.

dsw_sdk = DataStewardshipWizardSDK(...)

It provides a function for every combination of endpoint and HTTP method. So for example GET method on endpoint /documents/{docUuid}/download is equivalent to a get_document_download() method.

Example of low-level API implementation
def post_documents(self, body: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs) -> HttpResponse:
    body = self._camelize_dict_keys(body)
    return self._http_client.post(f'/documents', body=body, **kwargs)

def delete_document(self, doc_uuuid: str, **kwargs) -> HttpResponse:
    return self._http_client.delete(f'/documents/{doc_uuuid}', **kwargs)

def get_document_download(self, doc_uuid: str, **kwargs) -> HttpResponse:
    return self._http_client.get(f'/documents/{doc_uuid}/download', **kwargs)

Each method on the interface has same path parameters as the endpoint itself. If endpoint expects query parameters or a body inside the request, the method also takes query_params or body arguments respectively.

# Get 10 documents with 'test' query
docs = dsw_sdk.api.get_documents(query_params={'q': 'test', 'size': 10})

# Create a user
user = dsw_sdk.api.post_users(body={'firstName': 'John', ...})

Each method also accepts arbitrary keyword arguments that are passed to the underlying implementation of the HTTP client. Therefore you can customize each request as you will.

# Never timeout - waiting indefinitely (argument
# `timeout` is passed to the Requests `get` method)

Also note, that each method’s name is slightly modified to reflect whether it’s dealing with one or multiple entities. E.g. get_documents for retrieving multiple documents vs. get_document_download for downloading one document (although both methods use the documents endpoint).

Both query_params and body arguments keys are converted to camelCase, so you can define these in the snake_case.

# Both of these are equal
dsw_sdk.api.post_users(body={'firstName': 'John', ...})
dsw_sdk.api.post_users(body={'first_name': 'John', ...})